Monday, November 26, 2012


My parents surprised Jason and me and got us tickets to go to the A&M vs. Missouri football game right after Thanksgiving as a family!

A&M games are always a good time with the school traditions and Jason enjoyed himself even if it was freezing (for once in Texas) and we happened to get him into an A&M shirt. (Documentation above- You saw  it first here).

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving!! 

Today I am thankful for family, friends, my health and the amazing food that I am so blessed to be eating on this special holiday. Last night, I made my first pumpkin pie, my mother's chocolate eclair pie, and lime jello salad. Not to mention the chocolates I brought back from my recent trip to Pittsburgh earlier this week.

I can not wait to put on pants with an elastic waistband and go to town on our delicious meal tomorrow. I am staying in Houston for Thanksgiving and am eating with my boyfriend and his family. Then this weekend, we will be with my family in College Station watching the Texas A&M Aggies BTHO Missouri. Can't wait!

What are you doing for this Thanksgiving?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Join my (J.) Crew

I am lusting over practically everything J. Crew lately. There clothes are the perfect amount of business and casual I need in my closet to work for both the office, dinner with my girls, and casual weekends with my guy. These are a few of my current top favorites. 

From top left to right: Silk Boy Shirt in Heart Throb, Excursion Quilted Vest, Sequin Bow Cardigan, Heartbreaker Sweater, Perfect Shirt in Black Watch, Classic Pave Link Bracelet, Edie TriColor Purse,  Downtown Field Jacket.

Hey, J. Crew. Get in my closet!!!!! I may have to ask for a raise....

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Rock and Roll

Today, my dad and I ran the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in San Antonio. This marks my third time in this race. Last year, I lost my mind a little and did the full marathon, so this year I came to my senses and only did the half. Best decision ever! It was 75 degrees outside at 5:30 am! Can you imagine running 26.2 miles in over 80 degree heat! Well I can. And that's why I opted out this year.

But- back  to the half. I never really found my rhythm, but I did PR at a 2:02:54 so I am pretty happy about that. Think of how fast I could be if I actually had myself a good run. My goal was under 2 hours, so I have to wait on purchasing some new Lululemon gear until I hit my goal time. (Can we say "motivation"?) My next opportunity is December 2nd over the Fred Hartman Bridge in Houston (ayiyi). 

Anyways, we had a great time in San Antonio and I look forward to running it again next year!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Number who?

This Saturday, Texas A&M played Number 1 Alabama and boy was I so confident we would win sweating. You see, Texas A&M is notorious for being the best first half team out there! I mean, man we can really play a great first half. But after the halftime show, we seem to leave our fire in the locker rooms. BUT NOT THIS TIME!

This being our first year in the SEC, it was only right that we played our best ever versus the Number 1 ranked team in the nation, Alabama. And boy, was it a great game! I even screamed a couple of times. I am getting good at this whole understanding football thing. Go me.

And my boyfriend even donned maroon. I think there may be hope of conversion yet. (*tear*).

Friday, November 9, 2012

Carb Load

Friday J and I drove (well I rode, J drove) to San Antonio to stay with my parents since my dad and I are running the Rock and Roll Half Marathon on Sunday.

Of course, we had to make to obligatory Buc-ee's stop in Luling to use the amazing restrooms and snag an ICEE for the road. Have you ever been to a Buc-ee's? It's a gas station on crack. And a beaver is their signature mascot. You can get some seriously awesome items there, whether its food or a T-shirt or a stained glass window (yep, I said it).

When we got to my parents home, we went straight to Olive Garden for some pre-race carb loading. (Sorry- no picture was taken. I was too busy eating breadsticks talking with my family.) I could eat at Olive Garden every day. Sign me up for soup, salad and breadsticks anytime.

Monday, November 5, 2012

These Boots are Made for Walking

I purchased these boots for 20% off a couple of weeks ago at Shopbop's Friends and Family Sale. They were beautiful... but unfortunately my foot slipped out of the heel every time I took a step. SO disappointing! I thought about wearing 5 socks every time I put them on, but then that would be super ridiculous to have cramped feet all in the name of cute boots, right? So away they went. I mean, if I am going to invest in a pair of leather booties, they better be gorgeous and comfortable.

Which brings me to the next two options. I have been constantly pouring over my go-to websites looking for those next pair of perfect (but reasonably priced) boots. This has been such a hard task! And it has taken over my thoughts. Its all I think about. Finding those perfect pair of luggage leather boots that can be casual and a bit more fancy with the right stylin'.

So will it be these?? As seen on Sydney of The Daybook Blog, here. They look super cute on her! But then again, so does everything.

Or these??

I can't decide!! Since I am such a fan of online shopping, I can always buy both and then return, return, return if they aren't as amazing as I imagine they will be on my feet. I plan on wearing these this Fall/Winter (we don't really have a distinct difference in down here in Houston) with dark skinny jeans and a cozy sweater.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday Funday

 J, Clayton, James, and Me watching the Texans game (7-1 baby!)

 Shannon, J, and me- Family Photo

The cheesy masterpiece.

Sunday Funday has become somewhat of a tradition at our apartment during the fall and winter months. In the summer, I actually miss it. NFL Football, beer, and our pick of whatever non-diet food we happen to make that day. In the past we have celebrated this holiday with queso, hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, wings... (sensing a theme??)

Today we celebrated the Texans victory (21-9!) over the Buffalo Bills with my personal favorite, nachos. We tend to go all out during these meals- two different kinds of queso, three different types of cheese, not to mention a selection of delicious toppings. 

I feel like these days make me appreciate the hours of football watching just a little bit more.